Sunday, March 26, 2006


Hey everyone,

I haven't been around much, my computer decided to blow up. I have another one being delivered on tuesday and will be able to get back online to keep this blog up to date.

This is a virtual model of how I am looking at the moment. I have lost a total of 10.5 kilos so far and am extremely happy with my achievements.

I went and had my hair cut last week so I feel as if I am going through a transformation. I have been invited to go and talk at a Weight watchers focus group on Monday night and am really looking forward to it. Will let everyone know how it goes on Tuesday.

Anyway thats all for now. Will post again next week.


Leyzafool said...

Woohoo!!! 10.5kg is such an achievement, you would be feeling pretty good I bet.
Congrats on your loss and I hope you have a fantastic week!

Tracey Anne said...

Hey Kerry!
"You're" looking fab! Wow, over 10kg lost so far - that's awesome. Keep up the good work!