Monday, February 13, 2006

Last Thursdays weigh in

Hey Everyone,
I have just realised that I didn't post last weeks weigh in.
I lost 0.4 kilos, that takes the total weight loss up to 6.3 kilos.

This photo was taken on Saturday at a work function, we took out the company boat and went for a harbour cruise. It was really nice.



Kris said...

Well Done on your loss. You are doing really well.

Keep it up!!


Trisca.. said...

Congrats on your loss this week Kerry - you're doing really well and have lost around a stone in the 'old money'. *L* It's a nice feeling when you start to see all your efforts total up. :-)

Have a terrific week!

Trisca.. xo

Tracey Anne said...

Hey wow, your overall loss is awesome! Good on you, keep up the great work. Can't wait to see the next update!!

Tracey Anne said...

Hey Kerry, how's your journey going?